Dada Harir Vav Ahmedabad

The Dada Harir ni Vav or Step Wells was primarily built to battle the scare water resources of the state where rainfalls are unpredictable. But these step wells were much more-not only was it a great piece of art and architecture, it was a symbol of luxury and glory. Yet, it was open to all, right from the weary traveler who needed a place to relax and get some water to the communities that resided around.

Dada Harir Vav Ahmedabad
Dada Harir Vav: The Step Wells that were much more than Reservoirs...

The Idea Behind the Construction of Dada Harir Vav

The idea of building water reservoirs was brought up by architects belonging to Gujarat’s medieval era. They built step wells, digging deep in to the leading to massive spaces housing wells, which were easily accessible via a descent using steps.


The idea behind the construction of step wells in Gujarat borders on the need of conservation, given that water has been scarce resource in the state and the rainfall patterns are unpredictable and usually scanty. The importance of water conservation has been realized despite major advancements in technology. People still have to face conditions like droughts, floods and scarcities of water, giving us an idea of how futuristic and socially responsible people of the bygone era were.

Bejewelled artistically with unique cut-stone carvings, these reservoirs were definitely much more than mere wells. They served rather a bigger role by representing larger-than-life style of rulers of those times.

Dada Harir Architecture

As one walks down the steps of the Dada Hari step wells, the darkness envelopes you in every sense of the word, filling you with this serene calm. The air as you proceed is tinged with moisture making the environment around you cooler as the temperature drops. There is an amazingly powerful yet undisturbing calm as one walks around this monument; a stillness that is peaceful but one that seemed so alive. Try dropping a small pebble as you walk down, and hear the echo travel through the quiet yet mystifying step-wells filling you with its awe.